File Format Notes
The distribution files below have the following formats:
1) PDF files are a universally accepted standard for document viewing.
They require the free Adobe Reader program to view (click here to download).
2) ZIP files contain one or more files in compressed form.
They require WinZip (see www.winzip.com for 30-day free trial) or an equivalent program to decompress.
3) ISO files are CDROM binary image files.
Right click on the ISO file name under Windows 7 or later to burn directly to a blank CDROM,
or use the Nero Burning ROM (or similar) utility for the same purpose (free trial versions are often available).
A CDROM created from an ISO file is necessary to use our bootable test/demo software.

Below are all the files you need, including many brand new documentation files.
Board firmware version "A4" is current (see update instructions on CDROM if needed).
The "v17.03" CDROM is current, and already contains most or all of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (March 2017)
AEC-IUSB CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(7.3MB ZIP)
Support Files:
AEC-IUSB Product Introduction
(21KB PDF)
AEC-IUSB Board User Guide
(25KB PDF)
AEC-IUSB Windows Guide
(30KB PDF)

AEC-PCIe Files (PCI Express)
Below are all the files you need, including many brand new documentation files.
The "v20.06" CDROM is current, and already contains most or all of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (June 2020)
AEC-PCIe CDROM Binary Image (bootable)
(7.1MB ZIP)
AEC-PCIe CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(7.1MB ZIP)
Support Files:
AEC-PCIe Windows Guide
(31KB PDF)
AEC-PCIe Board Troubleshooting Guide
(25KB PDF)
Early Production AEC-PCIe Boards
(20KB PDF)
Application Notes:
PC Will Not Boot
(20KB PDF)
Try Another Slot??
(18KB PDF)
Windows 8 Problems
(22KB PDF)
Best Driver Override
(18KB PDF)
AEC-PCIe Warm Restart Fix
(21KB PDF)

PCIe-TC Files (old PCI Express)
Below are all the files you need, including many brand new documentation files.
Board firmware version "A8" is current (see update instructions on CDROM if needed).
The "v17.03" CDROM is current, and already contains most or all of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (March 2017)
PCIe-TC CDROM Binary Image (bootable)
(7.3MB ZIP)
PCIe-TC CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(7.3MB ZIP)
Support Files:
PCIe-TC Product Introduction
(22KB PDF)
PCIe-TC Board User Guide
(81KB PDF)
PCIe-TC Windows Guide
(31KB PDF)
Application Notes:
PC Will Not Boot
(20KB PDF)
Try Another Slot??
(18KB PDF)
Windows 8 Problems
(22KB PDF)
Best Driver Override
(18KB PDF)
Mini-XLR Connector Types
(23KB PDF)
Status LED Behavior
(19KB PDF)

PCI-TC Files
Below are all the files you need, including many brand new documentation files.
The "v19.03" CDROM is current, and already contains most or all of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (March 2019)
PCI-TC CDROM Binary Image (bootable)
(6.4MB ZIP)
PCI-TC CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(5.7MB ZIP)
Support Files:
PCI-TC Product Introduction
(22KB PDF)
PCI-TC Board User Guide
(89KB PDF)
PCI-TC Windows Guide
(29KB PDF)
Application Notes:
BIOS Update Needed??
(19KB PDF)
Windows 8 Problems
(22KB PDF)
Host PC Problems
(18KB PDF)

AEC-uBOX-2 Files
Below are all the files you need, including several good documentation files.
The "v17.03" CDROM is current, and already contains most or all of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (March 2017)
AEC-uBOX-2 CDROM Binary Image (bootable)
(2.9MB ZIP)
AEC-uBOX-2 CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(2.9MB ZIP)
Support Files:
AEC-uBOX-2 Product Introduction
(27KB PDF)

USB-TC Files
Here are all of the USB-TC files you need, including important documentation files.
The "v20.06" CDROM is current, and contains most (if not all) of the files listed below.
CDROM Files: (June 2020)
USB-TC CDROM Binary Image (bootable)
(7.0MB ZIP)
USB-TC CDROM Files (non-bootable)
(7.0MB ZIP)
Support Files:
USB-TC Product Introduction
(21KB PDF)
USB-TC Windows Guide
(30KB PDF)
Windows Code 10 Error
(22KB PDF)

This file contains the latest contents of
our AEC-BOX-2/10/20 BOOTABLE CD. Includes the user manual in pdf file
format. (Right click, save as... Be sure that the name has .iso
file type, or change back to .iso after downloading.) Use this CD IMAGE file to
burn a BOOTABLE CD. Choose the saved file as the "source" in your CD burning
software program (ie: Ahead Nero, Roxio EasyCD).
Older basic DOS file set (subset of the CD iso file above).
box20.zip 8k
AEC-BOX PDF manuals:
AEC-BOX-1 Manual
(54KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-1 only)
AEC-BOX-5 Manual
(111KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-5 only)
AEC-BOX-20 Manual
(88KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-2/10/20)
AEC-BOX-25 Manual
(90KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-25 only)
AEC-BOX-28 Manual
(58KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-8/18/28)
AEC-BOX-30 Manual
(33KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-30/30G/31/32)
AEC-BOX-50 Manual
(49KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-50 only)
AEC-BOX-80 Manual
(74KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-80/81/82/83/81G/82G/83G)
AEC-BOX-88 Manual
(53KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-88 only)
AEC-BOX-89 Manual
(49KB PDF) (for AEC-BOX-89 only)
AEC-BOX ASCII text manual (.man) files
(download/save to disk then open with text editor/reader such as Notepad.exe)
BOX232CBL.man 1kB
(Details the wiring of optional RS-232 I/O cable used with the AEC-BOX units
above (if supported)).

AEC-1 & AEC-2 Routing Switcher Files
The following files offer the manual text
that is part of the AEC-1 and AEC-2 routing switcher models that we manufacture.
This includes pinout information for the remote (DB25) and audio (DB37)
connections. Also, the manual text of the serial interface option (details
serial control protocols and setup operations of the AEC-1/SIO option). ASCII
text manual (.man) files, download/save to disk then open with text
editor/reader (ie: Notepad.exe))

PC-TC (ISA) Files
For users on Windows NT/2K/XP/95/98/ME, here is an application
note to help with installation of our ISA bus time code boards in you PC.
Application Note: PC-TC on WinNT/2K/XP/95/98. This
note also covers the clock jamming (setting) service programs on the disk (see
the zip files below). Treat 2K and XP the same as NT installation.
This file contains the current software
for the PC-LTC/IOR & PC-LTC/MMR... (ISA bus) boards.
( These models are simple LTC time code reader models )
pc-ior.zip 561k
54k (ASCII text manual file,
download, open with text editor/reader (ie: Notepad.exe))
This file contains the current contents of
our software disk we ship with PC-LTC/... (ISA bus) boards.
(These models are advanced LTC time code reader and/or generator models)
pc-ltc.zip 567k
( models: PC-LTC/RDR, PC-LTC/GEN, PC-LTC/RG1 )
97k (ASCII text manual file)
This file contains the current contents of
our software disk we ship with PC-VITC/... (ISA bus) boards.
(These models are advanced VITC time code reader and/or generator models)
pc-vitc.zip 554k
92k (ASCII text manual file)
This file contains the current contents of
our software disk we ship with PC-VLTC/... (ISA bus) boards.
(These models are advanced LTC+VITC time code reader and/or generator/translator
pc-vltc.zip 580k
100k (ASCII text manual file)
This file contains the manual for the
'serial' and 'relay' options available for the PC-TC product line.
This file is not included with the
above files (ISA). It enables the modles WITH TC generator ability to
automatically generate time code that matches the PC's time of day clock.
For Window95 & NT/2K/XP users. You will need the 'AEC_nttc.dll' file and the
NT/2K/XP or 95 driver file contained on your AEC diskette (or above .zip). If
you have a diskette dated prior to Sept. '96, please download a compressed image
of the current diskette for your board below.
ClkGen.zip 30k
/ ClockGen.exe
This file contains additional sample source code & .exe files for those who are
doing software development for the Windows NT & 95 (Win32) operating systems and
are using the PC-LTC/VLTC/VITC / RDR/GEN/RG1 time code boards. This file will
NOT be of much use if you are using the PC-LTC/IOR
AECwin32.zip 106k
This file contains a revised version of
the clock jamming software that is contained on the disks (zipped files)
above. This file allows for user selection of either jamming UTC (GMT) or Local
time into the PC clock if you are using WinNT3.51, 4.0, 2K, XP or Win95 operating
systems. Also, the "slop" allowed is adjustable from 250 to 50 milliseconds.
AECntSv2.zip 34k
This file contains sample and .exe files developed
using DELPHI programming language. These files were provided by one of our end
users, Ian Ford. See the DELPHI.txt file contained in the .zip here for more
info. You will need to have a memory mapped (PC-VLTC, PC-VITC or PC-LTC (not /IOR)
board that can read time code (not .../GEN only models) to run the .exe file
contained here. This file may also have some application to the newer PCI and
USB models as an example of how the Adrienne SDK (DLL) file is accessed.
delphi-demo.zip 108k

AECBOX8x_disk.zip 23k (note that this software is device specific for THIS nonstandard model only)